Cup Comes Home (1956)

Manchester, Lancashire. SV. Front of the team sitting on top of coach coming through the city (titles super over). GV. Road in front of coach with masses of people around. SV. Team standing out on top of coach holding up the cup. SV. Masses of people lined on side of road. LV. Front of coach with players standing in it holding up cup. GV. General tracking view of crowd lined on both sides of the road, & SV. LV. Coach arriving to crowded Albert Square. SV. The coach with the players sitting on top arriving at Town Hall. CU. Women waving in crowd. LV. Manchester’s Lord Mayor Regan at the microphone - crowd shouts: “We want Bert!“ GV. Massed crowd. SV. Bert Trautmann in front of microphone trying to stop the crowd shouting. They are singing: “He’s a Jolly Good Fellow.“ GV. Massed crowds outside Town Hall. SV. Team lined up on platform with Roy Paul holding up the cup, & SV. (Neg.) (Title Scene “A“) FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FU
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