Fyodor Chaliapin Boris Godunov (1928 live excerpts)

“She (Margharita Carosio) appeared in public at the extraordinarily young age of 14. In 1924, still only 16, she made her operatic debut in the taxing role of Lucia di Lammermoor at the Teatro Cavour in Novi Ligure. In 1928, she was recommended by soprano Margherita Sheridan to the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, to sing the role of Feodor in Mussorgsky’s Boris Godunov, with Feodor Chaliapin. She, like the rest of the company, sang in Italian, Chaliapin sang in Russian, and the chorus used French. The death scene was recorded live and Carosio’s clear tones can easily be discerned. Later she said that working with the great Russian basso made her realise what it meant not just to take on a role but to become it.“ Boris Godunov by Modest Mussorgsky performed in Russian & Italian Conductor Vincenzo Bellezza - 1928(LE) Orchestra - Covent Garden Chorus - Covent Garden Boris - Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin Grigory (False Dmitry) - Dino Borgioli Varlaam - Salvatore Baccaloni Shuisky - Angelo Bada Missail - Giuseppe Nessi Fyodor - Margherita Carosio Simpleton - Octave Dua Tchelkalov - Aristide Baracchi Lavitsky - Dennis Noble Cherniovsky - Aristide Baracchi
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