PoB (template):
64 level, ~8 div budget, ~1300% increased stun duration, 100% chance to double Stun Duration, ~50 sec stun from ruthless blow (with 30% chill)
Reminder: While the character has any energy shield remaining the character has a 50% chance to ignore being stunned. Also, an enemy have to be on full life, no stun otherwise. Now about ruthless support: “Every third Attack with Supported Melee Attacks deals a Ruthless Blow“ - so use leap slam 2 times then attack (the counter is reset if your char not meet equipped weapon requirements)
Interesting facts:
1: Ruthless support gem works with a Leap slam, giving base stun duration
2: Leaving the area does not interrupt the stun, so you can swap your char/invite bros
3: Action speed affects stun recovery
4: Expiration rate (temp chains mod) doesn’t interact with stun
5: Warlord’s mark “double stun duration“ mod is kinda bugged. It