JOSE ARGUELLES - Its About Time - Afternoon Session

JOSE ARGUELLES founded THE WHOLE EARTH FESTIVAL - held in Davis, California, every year on Mother’s Day - as a University of California class ’art happening’ in 1969. It is now in its 43rd year, entirely staffed by volunteers, and Free for everyone to attend. Here, JOSE and LLOYDINE ARGUELLES address the 28th Whole Earth Festival on Yellow Resonant Human Day (May 10th 1998). 00:00 JOSE and LLOYDINE ARGUELLES - Flute and Invocation 05:00 JOSE ARGUELLES - It’s About Time As we come to the end of the present 12th Ba’k’tun (394 year) Mayan Calendar cycle on Winter Solstice 21st December 2012 when the Mayan Calendar ’Long Count’ will reach , it is worth hearing what JOSE has to say about how we are doing on Planet Earth. (Ed. sorry about the audio glitches near the end. It’s an old Hi-8 source tape)
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