Amazing! 155kg rugby tackle VS 57kg Ukemi master

The video has English subtitles. Please use the subtitle function of YouTube. What does Ukemi mean? Ukemi means break your fall in Japanese. Ukemi, the art of falling, is an essential part of learning Aikido. To learn how to do an Ukemi requires the development of several important principles and it is one of the first movement you will learn when taking up Aikido. Judo gold medalist throws Aikido master Amazing Aikido in the UK Amazing Aikido in Taiwan Ryuji Shirakawa ◆X(Twitter) : ◆Instagram: The book “Beautiful Aikido“ by Ryuji Shirakawa ▶ I will never be thrown at you! MMA fighter active in RIZIN will take on the challenge of Aikido Mix Training - Aikido Master Ryuji
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