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届け 咆哮!求め 覚醒!
●ツイン・ギターが奏でるスラッシーでアグレッシヴなサウンドとLOUD ROCK/プログレッシヴ・ロックからのルーツを感じさせるFuji(B)とUshi(Ds)の強力なリズム隊コンビのグルーヴ感、その確かな演奏力は他のインディーズ・バンドとは一線を画すレヴェルに達しており、満を持してのデビューとなる!
Receive my roar!For the awakening!
Vorchaos will make their major debut with their strongest sounds!!
●Formed with Kaz (G), yuzo(G) and Jun(Vo) in 2010, a new Heavy Metal band from new generation, Vorchaos based on Tokyo, will release their third album.
And this is their major debut album!
●With thrashy and aggressive sounds created with a twin guitar, and groove made by powerful rhythm combination of Fuji (B) and Ushi (Ds), having a root from LOUD ROCK/Progressive Rock, their certain performance ability is clearly distinguished from other indie bands.
Time has come, Vorchaos will finally make their major debut!