Coupdekat - Love Online

Follow Coupdekat: ​ Lyrics: I’ve been scrolling through my likes like a slot machine Wishing you could give me real company But you live in my phone and its killing me So I dont want to stay at home on facetime, i want to take you out Is that such a crime? Will u ever be mine? Will you ever be mine? Can i see your face? If my wifi allows, but its poor connection Shall we give up now? Shall I give up now? Will we only ever make Love Online My internet discovery keeps crossing my mind Will I always have to hope my broadband provides 21st Century love online Love online, love online, love online… Swipe right, but i’m too scared to message first in case you waste my time, oh will I fall in love too soon with a cybermind? My reality is a disappointment to the girl that i’ve designed online Oh why oh why was I born into this fickle humankind Can I see your face? I
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