Gemster312 Circuit Royale Lava Parkour - Victor + Secret (Share Code: 830HE)
The Objective Parkour grind doesn’t stop! Note this may not be the way Gemster intended; regardless, it still completes the map.
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(Windows Video Editor sucks)
0:00 Objective 1 (Sojourn 1)
0:08 Objective 2 (Soldier: 76 1)
0:16 Objective 3 (Junker Queen 1)
0:25 Objective 4 (Doomfist 1)
0:41 Objective 5 (Ashe 1)
1:14 Objective 6 (Brigitte 1)
1:29 Objective 7 (Reaper 1)
2:03 Objective 8 (Kiriko 1)
2:28 Objective 9 (Widowmaker 1)
2:47 Objective 10 (Junker Queen 2)
3:07 Objective 11 (Sombra 1)
3:35 Objective 12 (Genji 1)
3:50 Objective 13 (Soldier: 76 2)
4:17 Objective 14 (Kiriko 2)
4:44 Objective 15 (Tracer 1)
5:01 Objective 16 (Lúcio 1)
5:13 Objective 17 (Hanzo 1)
5:49 Objective 18 (Sojourn 2)
6:27 Objective 19 (Lúcio 2)
6:51 Objective 20 (Wrecking Ball 1)
7:23 Victory
7:29 Secrets begin
7:32 Secret Objective 1 (Sojourn