ALIEN BASE in DEEPEST Crater of MOON ..& UFO !?.. ENGLISH “Subtitle“

YES ..! the existence of an “Alien Base“ or an “ Advanced Base “ .. on the DARK SIDE of the MOON .. finally proved !? New documents and High Definition pictures .. testify to the presence .. on our satellite, the MOON, near the Crater ANTONIADI ..(At a depth of - 7344 m) .. of an “advanced BASE“ .. in the lowest and deepest point of the Lunar Surface !! .. Discovery of a LunarBase , with “ Lunar “ vehicle .. “House Building“ .. Storage / Stockage .. and “great bonus“ .. an UFO .. “parked“ near the base .. such supervising .. or “ keeping “ the Base !!?? .. Exclusive Images and trues Pictures ..! Be OPEN .. Be AWARE .. Thanks .. Namaste -------------------------------------------------------------------- French V.O. : French : * BASE ALIEN dans le plus PROFOND CRATÈRE de la LUNE & OVNI * - French EXCLUSIF - 2016 !
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