Exercise Makes You Smarter - This Is Why (animated)
Back when I was in still in school there was this stereotype going around.
Kids who were nerdy and never did any kind of sports were considered the most intelligent and bright.
The jocks who were sporty and fit, were often branded as simple-minded and empty-headed.
So by following this stereotype you had two groups: Smart and weak. Dumb and fit.
However in the recent years, there’s a new stereotype that’s gained popularity: A smart jock.
An individual who is both intellectually gifted and is physically fit.
Did they win the genetic lottery or is it possible that exercise could make you smarter?
Today we’ll look at the body-brain connection and how moving our body can benefit the brain.
Some of the studies mentioned in the video:
~raywilliams/Psych2/High Impact Running Improves
Fitness and Academic Achievement Issue
Images © Piers Baker
#smarter #exercise