Cool Edge (Night) Remix - Sonic Unleashed (Mega Man 7 Style)

What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day than with a remix of one of my favorite songs by a *cool* female composer? Today, we have a MM7-styled Cool Edge (Night) from Sonic Unleashed! Without a doubt, this is one of my favorite songs in the series (I feel like I’ve already said that before...), and that’s mainly thanks to the *incredible* bass that absolutely carries the song. When looking for inspiration for this remix, I immediately thought of using Mega Man 7’s soundfont as I felt that it would be the perfect choice for accentuating the (no puns intended, I mean it) “cool“ and “edgy“ attitude of the song. The final product is one that I’m really proud of, as it reminds me a lot of the first Wily Stage theme from that game. I seriously hope someone tries or records themselves playing that level with this music, instead, haha. I had a lot of fun working on this one, and as always, I hope you enjoy the video! - -
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