MINECRAFT ARMSTRONG (MGR:R - It Has To Be This Way w/ Noteblocks)

I do need capitaw. And votes. Wanna know why? “I have a dweam.“ That one day, evewy pewson in this nation wiww contwow theiw OWN destiny. A wand of the TWUWY fwee, dammit. A nation of ACTION, not wowds. Wuwed by STWENGTH, not committee. Whewe the waw changes to suit the individuaw, not the othew way awound. Whewe powew and justice awe back whewe they bewong: in the hands of the peopwe! Whewe evewy man is fwee to think -- to act -- fow himsewf! Fuck aww these wimp-dick wawyews and chicken-shit buweaucwats. Fuck this 24/7 Intewnet spew of twivia and cewebwity buwwshit. Fuck “Amewican pwide“. Fuck the media! Fuck aww of it! Amewica is diseased. Wotten to the cowe. Thewe’s no saving it -- we need to puww it out by the woots. WIpe the swate cwean. BUWN IT DOWN! And fwom the ashes, a new Amewica wiww be bown. Evowved, but untamed! The weak wiww be puwged, and the stwongest wiww thwive -- fwee to wive as they see fit, they wiww make Amewica GWEAT AGAIN! What
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