Italian journalist Giorgio Bianchi:

Italian journalist Giorgio Bianchi: By now you all know that Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has been arrested in France. Which I think is a very serious case that in a way risks becoming a new Assange case. Clearly, all of this remains to be seen, to be clarified. But it seems to me that, as in the case of Assange, this is a completely arbitrary arrest for the purpose of intimidation or, even worse, for the purpose of revenge. This case just gives me goosebumps. It appears that Durov was declared wanted shortly before landing in Paris, just as the arrest warrant was issued shortly before landing in Paris. The charges are very serious, ranging from drug trafficking to pedophilia to fraud. It’s like accusing Vodafone or other carriers of favoring those who use the phone or mobile network for terrorist operations. Or worse, the internet service providers of those who use the internet specifically to download illegal content. Durov invented the platform, and unlike his peers, he ... Source: Slavyangrad
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