Durov’s post-arrest statement, UK approves only 4 crypto firms, Binance bans CZ ⚡️ Hamster News

⚡️Hamster News⚡️ Hey Hamsters! Durov’s first comment since his arrest in France, meme coin generators’ frenzy and CZ’s lifetime ban at Binance — let’s look at the biggest headlines over the past 24 hours in today’s episode of Hamster News. Pavel Durov, Telegram co-founder, addressed what happened to him for the first time since his arrest in France. In a Telegram post, Durov expressed his surprise over the arrest since, according to him, he was visiting the French embassy pretty frequently in Dubai and helped the authorities with their request to assist in neutralizing a terrorist threat. This week, a new meme coin generator called was launched on the Cardano blockchain, and the company claims it welcomed 20,000 users in the first 10 seconds after the launch. The exchange’s current CEO Richard Teng banned CZ, who co-founded and led the exchange, from ever becoming in charge of Binance. The UK Financial Conduct Authority announced that out of 35 companies that applied for a crypto license last year, it approved 4. The reason? “Weak” fraud and anti-money laundering checks. That’s all for today! Subscribe and remember: Hamsters are power 💪 🚀 Watch every video closely to get clues that you can use later 🖇 Pavel Durov issues first statement after arrest in France New meme coin generator launched on Cardano blockchain Binance put a lifetime ban on CZ ever running the company again FCA approves just 4 of 35 crypto licensing applications #hamsterkombat #hamsternews #crypto #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrency #cryptonews #cryptoupdates #paveldurov #durov #durovarrest #telegram #memecoin #memecoins #snekfun #cardano #blockchain #binance #richardteng #cz #changpengzhao #kyc #uk #fca #cryptolicense ——— TG — PLAY — X — 📍 For cooperation please contact pr@
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