Decorative interesting plant Hylotelephium telephium (synonym Sedum telephium), known as orpine

Hylotelephium telephium (synonym Sedum telephium), known as orpine, livelong, frog’s-stomach, harping Johnny, life-everlasting, live-forever, midsummer-men, Orphan John and witch’s moneybags, is a succulent perennial groundcover of the family Crassulaceae native to Eurasia. The flowers are held in dense heads and can be reddish or yellowish-white. A number of cultivars, often with purplish leaves, are grown in gardens as well as hybrids between this species and the related Hylotelephium spectabile (iceplant), especially the popular ’Herbstfreude’ (’Autumn Joy’). Occasionally garden plants may escape and naturalise as has happened in parts of North America. The plant was known to botanists, including Dioscorides (Διοσκουρίδης, 40 AD – 90 AD) in his De Materia Medica (Greek: Περὶ ὕλης ἰατρικῆς) as Telephion (Greek: Τηλεφιον). Pliny, Gerard and Parkinson were among many later authors to describe Telephium. It was first formally described by Linnaeus in 1753, as one of 15 species of Sedum, Gray included it and related species as a section of the genus Sedum. These species differ markedly from the rest of that genus by a distinct ovary and ovules, flowering stems, leaves, inflorescence, flower parts, colour and blooming time and chromosome number. Consequently, Ohba (1977) segregated these species into a separate genus, Hylotelephium with 28 species, specifying Hylotelephium telephium as the type species. Subsequent molecular phylogenetic studies have confirmed that these species constitute a distinct clade, separate from the very large Sedum genus, which is paraphyletic. Sedum is widely considered to be an unnatural catch-all taxonomic grouping. That clade, originally given the informal name Telephium and later Hylotelephium, was given the taxonomic rank of tribe Telephieae. The name Hylotelephium telephium has been widely, but not universally adopted. The species is endemic from Europe to Asia, but has been widely introduced elsewhere, particularly N America. It can be found growing in fields, around hedges, hills, and on gravelly or calcareous soils. In the UK, it is found in woodland and near hedges. In N America, where it has been introduced, Hylotelephium telephium is considered invasive. The very young leaves can be eaten raw, and both the young leaves and firm tubers can be cooked. The plant has been used medicinally, being used by the Romans to treat wounds, and in later times to treat internal ulcers.[19] It has also been used for love-divination. As the stems and leaves can store water, when picked. Hence common name livelong. They were hung in a room, where a girl was to be married to a boy. If the stems grew together, this ’sign’ would mean that the marriage would be blessed and she would be happy. Alternatively, if they grew apart, the marriage prospects looked bad and if a stem died, this would portent death. Hylotelephium telephium(同义词 Sedum telephium),被称为 orpine、livelong、青蛙的胃、竖琴强尼、永生、永生、仲夏人、孤儿约翰和女巫的钱袋,是景天科多年生多汁地被植物,原产于欧亚大陆。花开在密集的头上,可以是带红色或黄白色的。许多品种,通常带有紫色的叶子,种植在花园中,以及该物种与相关的 Hylotelephium spectabile(冰植物)之间的杂交种,特别是流行的“Herbstfreude”(“秋天的喜悦”)。有时园林植物可能会逃逸并归化,就像在北美部分地区发生的那样。 该植物为植物学家所熟知,包括 Dioscorides(Διοσκουρίδης,公元 40 年 - 公元 90 年)在他的 De Materia Medica(希腊语:Περὶ ὕλης ἰατρικῆς)中称为 Telephion(希腊语:Τηλεφιον)。普林尼、杰拉德和帕金森是后来描述 Telephium 的许多作者之一。林奈于 1753 年首次正式将其描述为景天属的 15 种之一,格雷将其和相关物种列为景天属的一部分。这些物种在子房和胚珠、开花的茎、叶、花序、花的部分、颜色和开花时间以及染色体数目方面与该属的其他物种显着不同。因此,Ohba (1977) 将这些物种分为一个单独的属,Hylotelephium 有 28 个物种,指定 Hylotelephium telephium 作为模式物种。随后的分子系统发育研究证实,这些物种构成了一个独特的进化枝,与非常大的景天属分开,后者是并系的。景天被广泛认为是一种非自然的包罗万象的分类群。该进化枝最初的非正式名称为 Telephium,后来被命名为 Hylotelephium,其分类等级为 Telephieae 部落。 Hylotelephium telephium 这个名字已被广泛使用,但并未被普遍采用。 该物种是从欧洲到亚洲的地方性物种,但已广泛引入其他地方,特别是北美。它可以在田野、树篱、山丘周围以及砾石或钙质土壤上找到。在英国,它存在于林地和树篱附近。 在北美,它已被引入&a
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