Aindra’s Shilas & Maha-Kirtan - Mayapur 2008

This exceptional kirtan took place in Mayapur on March 7, 2008. I was not aware until after editing that an eariler version of the same kirtan had been uploaded on Youtube the same week of the event from a camera placed behind mine. Incidentally, the video fetched a much higher number of viewers than other Aindra kirtan videos I could see on YouTube: 140,000 to be precise. This earlier video was fixed on a single angle of Aindra prabhu, while the new perspective I’ve just uploaded offers many additional angles, including on the participating musicians, the respondants, the dancers, and the Deities of Pancatattva. There is also a variety of off-shots, such as scenes from Aindra’s personal room and altar in Vrindavan, and himself performing a morning puja to his traveling shilas while in Mayapur. Finally, the video was edited to half the earlier version’s length, but respecting the progression in intensity and final resolution of the overall kirtan. There is a surprise finale too, but I’ll remain silent about that. Happy viewing from BhakTV, Vasudeva Das
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