The ICC EXPOSES The Sham That Is the “Rules Based International Order“ | Pitasanna Shanmugathas

Check out Pita’s work: Canada docuseries: The Bob Rae interview: Coverage of the U of T encampment: : Pitasanna Shanmungathas is a Canadian journalist and film maker, who produced the documentary “Truth To The Powerless: An Investigation into Canada’s Foreign Policy,” which investigates and dismantles the image of Canada as a “peace maker” and pacifist country. (I interviewed him about this 1 and a half years ago, check that one out if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s great work.) Pitasanna is now also a Law Student at Vermont Law School from where he contributes to the Pittsburgh based Law Student Magazaine the “JURIST”. He has been observing and writing about the student protests as well as about Canadian foreign policy and that’s what we want to talk about today
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