CHARMAINE CHILDS Power _ 2022 London International Mime Festival

Trying to learn how to overcome uncertainty, Australian circus strong-lady Charmaine Childs asked people of all walks of life the same question: Can you tell me about a time when you felt really powerful? The result is Power, combining her own story with the extraordinary experiences of ‘ordinary’ people. Initially striving to feel powerful by being invincible and in control, the show accepts the mess of uncertainty and finds strength in places where we wobble. It celebrates the power we have to choose the next step through the mess. Unfolding through a mix of verbal storytelling, voice-over interviews and impressive physical strength and artistry, this is an exciting piece of new circus-theatre - optimistic, uplifting, funny and moving. Developed whilst working in collaboration with companies including Complicité, Ockham’s Razor and Spymonkey, Power is directed by Emma Bernard, acclaimed for her staging of innovative opera, theatre, music and dance across the UK. Roll up for a joyous and
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