1981-0124 Use your anger (Subtitles)

Excerpt of a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Original file: _______________________________________________ Shri Mataji: The Question is like this, I am asking Mr. Chavan, he said you must forgive everyone. Now supposing somebody abuses your Mataji, says horrible things about her and see sort of infuriates you, then what to do? How to overcome that? [...] Sahaja yogi_1 (Mr. Chavan) Shri Mataji: It’s very well said. But it’s a very subtle point you see because God has given us also temper and anger as well as forgiveness. Both qualities are within us. And he has not given us temper for something that is useless, as even temper is necessary. Once you are realized, once you are a realized soul, your temper is also dynamic, it is needed. When somebody says something against God and against your mother, if he is a realized soul or if he is not a realized soul is a very important point, no doubt. Supposing he is not a realized soul then the best thing is to pity such a man and say that O God forgive, because they do not know what they are doing. But say even Christ, supposing something had happened to the mother of Christ, now how he would have reacted? Then he would have come up as her son and he would have taken the cross in his hands and hit all the people there. So, when somebody abuses who is a realized soul, there are many realized souls, whom I have given realization, who have come up very well but who fall out., who try to abuse and try to say bad things, now at that time it’s the whole collectivity is challenged, the whole collectivity, the whole collective being is challenged when he says something like that. He is a part and parcel of your being. Think if in your finger you have some pain, what do you do? You rub it off. When a person who is a realized soul, if he tries to be funny or if he tries to abuse anything that is divine, you have to get into a temper, that’s a part, but this temper is to be diverted into Sahaja Yoga system like you beat him with shoes, you write his names and burn it, you write his names on the ground and stamp it, you take out your anger on them. Your anger is divine anger, it has a meaning. You are part of the whole divine. If you are angry the divine is angry. But this anger is hithkaari, is the one that is benevolent, is a benevolent anger. This benevolent anger is necessary because he is the part and parcel of the whole and you go all out. There are so many ways by which you really punish in a symbolic way. But that punishment brings him out of his negativity. But for people who are not realized also, these things come up. When negativity is very powerful and wants to take a challenge with the positivity, supposing there’s a negative person and he wants to disturb say our work, at that time you will be amazed that those who will be negative will start supporting the person. Immediately, you can pick them out and say that these are negative. And those who are positive will be in anger, they’ll keep quiet, some of them will be boiling and some of them might get up and say you get out from here. That we have to do, that challenge we have to take up and say to people, that is only possible when you have full discretion, how to use your anger? You have to say it out. It is necessary because if you allow these negativities to be there, they will get hold of people who are sitting on the fences who are half baked, at that time it is necessary to show your strength, not to get lost in your temper, but to stand up to say you get out from here, don’t know what you are doing, that is very important, because whatever you see, say is a mantra, is a dynamite that will change the whole atmosphere. The negativity will run away, but if you say that, alright let it happen, it will have a bad effect. Christ allowed them to torture him, but not his mother nor God. He took a hunter in his hand when people were selling in the market. So, he has a double side also and in you also there is Kalki. And you, I have awakened Kalki in you. So, you are also Kalki but you must reach a certain maturity, then only you can do it. Sometimes it is very important, but the way you do it, with what dignity you do it is very important. [...] But against the negativity, because the time has come for us to fight. The time has started now for us to fight these negative forces and for that we all must take up strength within, you see compromising with them all that is not going to help us. So, the strength must be there, a dignity and with all understanding and discretion you have to tell. [...]
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