Dusk’s Flight

An animated short for a bigger story I’d like to tell some day. After being transported to a brutal world where dragons are hunted for their hearts, An aspiring engineer and his scale cursed sister journey to restore her original body and to find a way home. Based on an original story bible I wrote years ago to pitch around to studios. I decided to finish a sort of “miniscule pilot” or “teaser” two years ago after abandoning many previous versions of this project. I decided to wrap it up. Thank you all for your support. Dusk’s Flight Original Score: ---CREDITS---- Directed and Animated by Toniko Pantoja Original score by Denny Schneidemesser Casting Synger, The Voice Sphere, LLC Voice Synger, The Voice Sphere, LLC Creative Consultant…Lauren Synger, The Voice Sphere, LLC Sound Design…Patrick MacDougall Audio Production…Patrick MacDougall CAST Logan- Nazeeh Tarsha
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