Working Day - HD - short film awarded by Peter Jackson

Working Day by Andrés Borghi, in FULL HD and with remastered audio and music. Check this article on the film and the whole experience: Working day, my short film made in new Zealand in 2010 and awarded by Peter Jackson in the contest called “Your big break“. In the words of Peter Jackson: “This short film stood out as a fresh and original piece of storytelling. I loved the whismical way it showcased the natural beauty of our country; its humour kept the viewer engaged and entertained from beginning to end. Most importantly it made you want to see more of the stunning landscapes of New Zealand. I was particularly impressed by the director’s use of camera, the editing and the strong visual story-telling. This was an extremely accomplished piece of filmmaking. Congratulations Andrés - I will definitely be keeping an eye out for your future work.“ The contest was planned by Tourism new Zealand and Barrie Osborne, producer of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It consisted on delivering a three minutes short film script telling a charming story about new Zealand within the concept that it is the youngest country on earth. Over 1000 scripts were presented from around world and only 5 were chosen by the judges. these 5 lucky film makers traveled to New Zealand for three weeks to direct their short films with the aid of a professional crew and a budget of $NZ. I, Andrés, was among these 5 finalists with my short film called Working Day, a comedic story about the creator of New Zealand: A giant and humble working man. It was filmed in Queenstown, New Zealand, more specificaly in the beatiful Glenorchy beach. After the 5 films were finished the competition went on to it’s next stage: Choosing a winner within those 5. For this important task tourism New Zealand asked Peter Jackson himself (director of The Lord of the Rings trilogy) to be the judge that would choose the big winner. The winner was my film Working day. The price was to attend to the Independent Spirit Awards ceremony in Los Angeles and being part of the Tourism New Zealand staff promoting the short films. The story was approved by a Maori descendants commitee which liked the story and its portrayal of their ancestors. Many important people worked in Working Day: It was edited by Annie Collins: One of the persons that edited the third Lord of the Rings film, and the sound design was done by Dave Whitehead: the sound designer of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, King Kong, pirates of the Caribbean, District 9, and many more.
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