Comanche Archery Recreated with Lars Andersen

Training with Lars Andersen to re-invent the lost and forgotten fast Comanche Warrior Archery. I was commissioned to make Comanche style bows and arrows for the master archer Lars Andersen at the beginning of 2020. Making the bows and arrows plus quiver and bow case took many months, the entire project to date is over 1.5 years in the making. During this time under the direction of Lars I began training in the warrior form of archery specific to the Comanche and Plains Indigenous people. This was the most eye opening and exciting experience I have had thus far in all my years of archery. Lars is a great teacher and truly wants to pay homage to the Comanche warriors unparalleled archery. Coined “The Most Powerful Native American Tribe in History“ The amazing feats of Comanche archery were almost forgotten, we hope to bring it back and pass it along to all. I suggest anyone with an interest in being more intuitive and dynamic in archery to give this a try! We do not know if this is the original
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