United We Stream Tbilisi #18 | Phase Fatale B2B Unhuman

UNITED WE SAVE TBILISI CLUB CULTURE! Georgian cultural and creative industries have been immensely challenged by Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, the state of emergency and the isolation have threatened the existence of the entire ecosystem of electronic music and club culture. In the spring of 2020, Tbilisi became one of the first cities to join the UWS platform along with 106 different cities worldwide. As of today, Georgian clubs have been closed for 10 months and the Tbilisi club scene is on the verge of extinction. All the donations will be distributed to music venues, their staff and artists. Link to United We Stream Tbilisi: LINKS 2 DONATE: Fundraiser ​ (₾) Liberty Bank #GE76LB0115162114299000​ (€) Liberty Bank #GE49LB0115162114299001​ Thank you for supporting Tbilisi Club Culture #UnitedWeStream​ #UnitedWeStreamTbilisi​ #SaveClubCultureTbilisi
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