English Vocabulary - Nuts

I hope this video can help you learn English vocabulary about the names of popular nuts, in a fun way, by watching the video illustrations on each nut name. Thank you for watching my video. If you like it please like, share, comment, and subscribe. Credits: Voice: by Videos: - Cottonbro Studio @cottonbro/ (Opening, Almond) - Marian Croitoru: @marian-croitoru-2984359/ (Young Woman Wearing Headphone) - GerDukes (Brazil Nut) - Freepik - Racool_studio #query=candlenut&position=0&from_view=keyword (Candlenut) - Engin Akyurt @enginakyurt/ (Cashew, Pumpkin Seed, Walnut) - Pixabay @pixabay/ (Chestnut) - Mikhail Nilov @mikhail-nilov/ (Hazelnut) - Tony Wu @tonywuphotography/ (Macadamia Nut) - Shatta Pilabut @shattha-pilabut-38930/ (Peanut) - Oks Malkova @oksmalkova/ (Pecan) - Waldrebell (Pine Nut) - Alexis Lozano @alexislozano/ (Pistachio) - Annette Aigner @annette-aigner-38386669/ (Sunflower Seed) - Mark Warner @mark-warner-1920434/ (Ending) Music from Animal Friends by Lukrembo
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