Python & FastAPI Tutorial: Create an ai microservice to extract text from images.

Learn how to deploy an AI microservice REST API endpoint using FastAPI, pytesseract, Docker, & DigitalOcean App Platform. ⦿ One Click Deploy to DO: ⦿ Try Django 3.2 Playlist: ⦿ DigitalOcean $100 Promo: ⦿ Code: ⦿ Subscribe: 0:00:00 Welcome 0:01:08 Requirements 00:03:01 Setup Environment 00:08:52 Your first FastAPI App 00:16:03 FastAPI & Jinja Templates 00:29:09 FastAPI & PyTest 00:36:30 FastAPI Git & pre-commit 00:45:34 Deploy to DigitalOcean 00:53:36 Deploy Docker App to DigitalOcean App Platform 01:17:19 FastAPI Settings & Environment Variables & dotenv 01:23:33 Handling File Uploads 01:32:33 Automated Testing File Uploads 01:41:58 Image Upload Validation & Tests 01:51:26 Implementing Tesseract & pytesseract 02:05:06 Authorization Headers 02:16:05 Production Endpoint & Authorization Tests
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