-Where do I begin?

So I’ve recently started watching Chrono Crusade. Again. For the like, third or fourth time. I have seriously tried to watch the entire series two or three times before, and each time, I’ve gotten up to about episode 18 and then rage quit (not really, but it gives the right idea) because I did not like how the change the plot from the manga. And thinking back, I don’t know why the heck I didn’t just plow my way through the remaining six episodes. I was weird. But! I was recently at an anime convention, and Greg Ayres was there, and he mentioned Chrono Crusade in a panel, and I was like “oh yeah, I own that, I should probably try watching it again“. And then my sister and her boyfriend both wanted to watch it also, so we are now all watching it together. So I will more than likely make it through the whole thing this time. So we have been watching it, and I got all excited to edit with it! :D Because I do really like the beginning of the series, where they are mo
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