Our paranormal investigation at the Congress Hotel in Chicago was a chilling experience that left us shaken to the core. The hotel is notoriously haunted by a mix of malevolent entities and lingering spirits, each with a story steeped in darkness. Two of the most famous spirits reportedly haunting the premises are Al Capone, the infamous mobster, and H.H. Holmes, the notorious serial killer. The legend goes that Al Capone, who is rumored to have once owned the hotel, used it as a base of operations, committing heinous crimes and even murder in what many believe was his hideout on the top floor. The very thought of walking the same halls as one of America’s most feared gangsters was enough to send chills down our spines. Equally terrifying was the lore surrounding H.H. Holmes, who allegedly prowled the hotel lobby in search of his next female victim to lure back to his torture hotel. The whispers suggest that Holmes managed to capture over a dozen unsuspecting women from the Congress Hotel, never facing
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