“Let me do it for you“, but it’s a double fugue 🐶 - Josep Castanyer Alonso

A double fugue on the theme of the “Let me do it for you” long nose dog meme. The first time I heard this eerily catching tune it instantly pulled at my heartstrings: the slightly forced voice in the falsetto register, the rising major 10th on the piano and the watery eyes of a borzoi dog…I was not surprised at all by the meme rapidly becoming a part of Internet culture. Here I have transformed it into a pocket-sized double fugue, with the first subject being the meme tune and the second, simpler subject doubling as a guide for the otherwise tonally ambiguous start of the jingle. I tried to treat both of the subjects and the countersubject in a relatively scholastic way and show the structure of the fugue by making use of some colours.
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