Rags For Salvage (1942)

Title reads: “Official Government Film“ - Short trailer film RAGS FOR SALVAGE Puppet animation. The voice-over is entirely in rhyme “A is for army hut... B is for bandaging... C is for camouflage... D is for our duty...“ (there are drawings to depict the alphabet too) Little Annie has ’made a salvage book that shows you how to salvage rags and tells you where to look...’ Annie holds her book and shows it to her family. Her father rummages under the stairs and pulls out rags. The family look in the wardrobe and pull out more things. They hold some sacking. In the roof, they rummage through an old trunk. Father slides down the attic ladder and lands in a box of salvaged material. The family wait at the door for the rag collector and wave him goodbye as he leaves with a heavy sack. The rhyme ends ’just another little thing to help to win the war’ End title: ’Let your rags do their stuff. NB: item was originally part of Gazette issue 42/103. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLO
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