Summing Up No. 05 - Reel 2 (1947)

A Quarterly Chronicle of Current Events. Produced by the Pathe Documentary Unit. Third Quarter 1947. (Continued from Reel 1 - see separate record.) Reel 2. Title reads: ’WORLD RECOVERY’. Hugh Dalton - Chancellor of the Exchequer watches the Queen Elizabeth liner dock in Southampton. Meets Mr Snyder - Secretary to the United States Treasury. Meeting of the International Bank in London. Shots of war damage and reconstruction. Paris: delegates from 16 nations discuss Europe’s response to the Marshall Plan. Prague: Czech delegates leave for Moscow. United States of America: farmers gather the harvest of 1947. Price increases cause Americans to cross border into Canada for cheaper food. Flushing Meadow, New York: General Assembly of United Nations convened for its second annual session. Soviet Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Andrei Vyshinsky attacks democracies of the West. Hector McNeil replies to this speech. Shots of military installations. End titles: ’THE END A PATHE-BIF FILM’
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