Keeping The Peace (1951)

Written by Lambton Burn. Edited by Arthur Michelin. Recorded by George Newberry. Spoken by Bob Danvers-Walker. Farmyard scene. A young man leaves home and goes to the recruiting office. He swears an oath. Anglo-French Treaty being signed by five nations in 1947 (Great Britain, Holland, Belgium, France and Luxembourg). Ernest Bevin signs for Britain. Pledged co-operation in peace and mutual aid in war. Setting up of the Western Union defence pact. People rebuilding after war damage. Icon, buildings and statues affected by war. Field Marshall Montgomery in Fontainebleau (sp?). Munitions and aircraft factories. Twin jet bomber “The Canberra“ takes to the air. Air fleets perform battle exercises. Operation Bulldog first in series of mock battles. Shots from aircraft of other planes and parachute jumping. West Falia - General Keithley (?) and (?). Tanks. Military manoeuvres. Soldiers. Bombing from the air. Spirit of co-operation at sea. Warships including Le Fantasque, Theseus
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