The Roosevelt Story Reels 9 & 10 Spliced (1940-1949)

Reels 9 & 10 (spliced) continued. War operations room. Another election. Roosevelt makes a speech about Republican attacks on himself and his family. He makes joke about the fact that attacks have even been made on his dog! Roosevelt sworn in. Yalta, Russia - . meets with Churchill and Stalin. Roosevelt’s last speech in Congress - about the Crimea Conference. Congress rise and applaud his speech about peace. Roosevelt’s funeral. General MacArthur (?) - peace treaty signed. Hiroshima - atomic bomb mushroom cloud. USS Missouri - Japanese delegates arrive to surrender. Roosevelt’s funeral. Crowds lining the streets. United Nations set up - representatives sign documents and shake hands. Majestic montage illustrates narrator’s speech about all the good that Roosevelt did. The elderly, the young, the working man, children. American people standing and watching the funeral cortege. Narrator: “He’s not dead, his kind never die.“ C/U on the stars and stripes flag over Roosevelt’s coffin
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