Sale Of Nazi Relics (1966)

Location: Unknown (possibly Lewes, East Sussex, England / Great Britain) Story about the sale of Nazi artefacts from the Third Reich and the Second World War. CU. Of German eagles with Nazi swastika sign underneath. GV. Interior of auction rooms showing row of uniforms hanging up. CU. Man wearing Nazi type hat looking up. CU. Of uniform, zoom into Nazi badge on uniform. SV. Of rows of German hats. CU. Of Nazi hat showing skull and cross bones on hat. CU. Another Nazi hat. CU. German helmet. SV. Of daggers hanging on wall. SCU. Man holding up German uniform. CU. Of iron cross. GV. Interior of auction room, man holding large book which was signed by Hitler. CU. Of a small book, pan down to writing on book showing signature at bottom of page. SV. Interior of auction room, man holding uniform. CU. Of German soldier’s pay book. Man holding up banner. CU. Man takes pair of jackboots for auction. CU. Men inside auction room. SV. Man displays jackboots. (Orig. Neg.) FILM ID: A VIDEO FRO
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