Hospital Ship Rohilla AKA Rescue Of Survivors From Wreck (1914)

Shipwreck - location unknown. Lifeboat crews rescue survivors of the wrecked hospital ship Rohilla. Exciting footage. Small crowd on shore looking toward wrecked ship not far from shore; looks like it crashed on rocks. Lifeboat at water’s edge; wreck in BG.; pan right to long line of people holding hands to form a chain (presumably to walk out toward wreck). Shot from high position of wreck w/ waves crashing around. Then closer shots of the action on the beach: teams of men holding onto ropes are trying to get closer to wreck; waves sweeping over heads of those farther out. While this is going on; some of the survivors stagger across beach toward camera; held up by a few rescue workers. Others are carried. People walking along beach; women wrapped in shawls or blankets; a group of men carry someone on a stretcher; some children walking along with them. More people coming to help or to watch; a few carry blankets; one woman carries a pot & a cup; men carrying another stretcher (empty). They are h
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