The Sound of the Andalusian Spanish dialect (Numbers, Greetings, Words, Phrases & Story)

Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let’s learn different languages/dialects together. I created this for educational purposes to spread awareness that we are diverse as a planet. Please feel free to subscribe to see more of this. I hope you have a great day! Stay happy! Please support me on Patreon! If you are interested to see your native language/dialect to be featured here. Submit your recordings to crystalsky0124@. Looking forward to hearing from you! Special Thanks to Carlos García Gálvez & Naseem Perez-Bouktab Andalusian Spanish The Andalusian dialects of Spanish (Spanish: andaluz [andaˈluθ]; Andalusian: [ãndaˈluʰ, -ˈlʊ]) are spoken in Andalusia, Ceuta, Melilla, and Gibraltar. They include perhaps the most distinct of the southern variants of peninsular Spanish, differing in many respects from northern varieties, and also from Standard Spanish. Due to the large population of Andalusia, the Andalusian dialects are among the ones with more speakers in Spain. Within Spain, other southern dialects of Spanish share some core elements of Andalusian, mainly in terms of phonetics – notably Canarian Spanish, Extremaduran Spanish and Murcian Spanish as well as, to a lesser degree, Manchegan Spanish. Due to massive emigration from Andalusia to the Spanish colonies in the Americas and elsewhere, most Latin American Spanish dialects share some fundamental characteristics with Western Andalusian Spanish, such as the use of ustedes instead of vosotros for the second person plural, and seseo. Many varieties of Spanish, such as Canarian Spanish, Caribbean Spanish and other Latin American Spanish dialects, including their standard dialects, are considered by most to be based on Andalusian Spanish.
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