Willem van Twillert plays Bach, Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring / Jesus bleibet meine Freude,

Willem van Twillert plays Johann Sebastian Bach, Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring / Jesus bleibet meine Freude / Jesus alegria dos homens [BWV 147], on the Hinsz-Van Dam-organ at Bolsward - The Netherlands Arrangement for organ, Maurice Duruflé. Edited by: Éditions Musicales Alphonse Leduc, Paris. Title: “Réjouis-toi mon âme“ (werde munter, mein Gemüthe) ou “Jésus, que ma joie demeure“ extrait de la cantate no. 147 Transcription pur Orgue par Maurice Duruflé I altered only a few notes in the last section of
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