(27:08 - 32:34 egoless\dipersonifined state of mind = state of cohesion⬇️) Другая СТОРОНА РЕАЛЬНОСТИ (Все части) ВЕРСАДОКО

(27:08 - 32:34 egoless\dipersonifined state of mind = state of cohesion of mind field with the overall field, with attention drawn into “nothingness“ “nirvana“ (into “the Ether“ a pretty energetic, concentrated (not empty state) - meditative condition of the mind, provided that either nothing in reality is “poking“ you or that you can emotionally ignore it \ not taking it personally, which is key for the marathon that is life that is, more probable than not be, one of many.....) serving as antithesis to the Soul \ Heart Chakra as states of wobbling\anxiety which are quite needed as an impulse to Act (so if one observes the behavior of an animal one can notice that they use both of the states using fear\appreciation and at the same time remaining rather dispassionate and self-contained (animals with less developed cognitive abilities (unlike say elephants, dolphins, cephalopods, apes, dogs, cats, ravens etc) can’t concentrate attention long enough on something and they lack symbolic descriptions\tools (language) to retain solid memories that they can recreate using words visual models = imagination)
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