東京市中心18㎡的夫妻之家 The 18㎡ House of a Japanese Couple in the Heart of Tokyo

日本建築師保坂猛,擅長設計小住宅,保坂夫婦在東京市中心的新家只有6坪(18㎡),大小堪比停車格,但家裡卻放進了300本書、300張黑膠、雙門大冰箱,還有一座露天浴池......為了減少壓迫感,他們在屋頂開出兩扇天窗,使日光、月光照進屋內,“這房子所有東西都比正常尺寸小,但使用上完全沒有困擾,讓我感到非常幸福和滿足。 Japanese architect Hosaka Takeshi is specialized in designing mini-sized houses. The new house of the Hosaka couple located in the heart of Tokyo covers a floor area of 18 square meter, which is not much bigger than a garage. In the house they squeezed in 300 volumes of book, 300 vinyl records, a two door refrigerator… To ease the sense of crowding,
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