Musical Boxes (1955)

Streatham, London. Novelty items a go-go in a shop in a South London boutique. Glamorous model looks into the window of a shop which is full of trinkets and gee-gaws. Narrator calls it “a place women dream of and men have nightmares about.“ Model enters the shop and picks up a tiny music box in the shape of a grand piano. She turns the piano in her hands. She then picks up a fabulous powder compact which is also a music box. C/U of the box being opened. The collection was started by a woman called Jennie Tarsch who has travelled all over the world. She has now made a business of selling music boxes and other novelty items. I presume it is Ms Tarsch we see behind the counter. C/U of a revolving candle holder which features figurines of little pixies playing musical instruments. C/U of a table lighter with a pink case. The model admires it. C/U of a manicure set which has a little ballerina doing a twirl. Jennie shows her customer an amazing handbag which has a light which can either be use
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