CGI Animated Short Film "Histoire 2 Couples: Love story of two couples" by 2Gether Team | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film 2Gether Short Film / Histoire 2 Couples Short Film by William Loew, Davy Crosta, Alcindo Da Conceicao, Adrien Cuvit, Anne-Charlotte Benasouli, Camille Burdy. Featured on A young and hyper man falls in love with a girl addicted to her phone. “Histoire 2 Couples“ or “2Gether“ is a short animated movie released by 6 students from the school ARIES Lyon, section expert cycle, animated movie speciality. Directed by : William Loew (@) Davy Crosta (crostadavy@) Alcindo Da Conceicao (@) Adrien Cuvit (cuvit-adrien@) Anne-Charlotte Benasouli (benasouli3@) Camille Burdy (@) Musique / Music : Romain Camiolo (@) Sound design : Romain Montiel (romain-montiel@) Voix / Voice : Benjamin Air (Contact@) SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content!
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