Magic sounds of a fabulous spring forest White noise for relaxation, for background

Magic sounds of a fabulous spring forest. White noise for relaxation, for background. If you are looking for the magical sounds of a fairytale spring forest as white noise for relaxation or background, then this video with beautiful forest landscapes will be just the thing. Imagine - when you enter the forest, a light breeze rustles the leaves of tall trees, creating a soothing whisper. The branches sway and creak, adding a natural rhythm to the symphony of the forest. Birds of different species sing their melodious melodies, filling the air with their enchanting trills. You can hear the cheerful chirping of robins, the sweet trills of song thrushes and the characteristic hoot of an owl perched high above. The forest floor is full of insects: small creatures scurry around here. You may hear the quiet rustling of leaves as a squirrel jumps from branch to branch, or the subtle crunching of branches under the weight of a rabbit. As you walk deeper into the forest, you may hear the gentle flutter of a butterfly’s wings or the buzz of bees collecting nectar from blooming flowers. The scent of fresh flowers fills the air, adding to the sensory experience. All these sounds combine harmoniously, creating a magical symphony that transports you to a world of calm and relaxation. Whether you use it as white noise for relaxation or as a soothing background, the dreamlike sounds of the spring forest will help you relax and find peace among the beauty of nature. The pleasant atmosphere of spring forest nature has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Many people use bird sounds as background sounds or as white noise during yoga or meditation. I like the way birds sing, I like to listen to how blackbirds, buntings, canaries, larks, finches, robins sing - each bird has its own interesting sound features in singing and rhythm. Share this video with your family and friends, give them some gentle sounds of the forest, birdsong and a good mood. I wish you a good mood, pleasant emotions, and good health! Enjoy your viewing and have a good rest. This video is 2 hours long and the video quality is 2160p UHD. ~ 💡 We constantly upload new videos for relaxation, for relaxation, stress relief and restful sleep, for recuperation, for background, for reading books, meditation. My name is Victor, I have been interested in photography and videography since 2012. Filmed on Panasonic GH - 4. I am the author of all videos on the channel and all filming, all copyrights belong to me. All source files are preserved. Filming location: Shcherbovka village. In order not to lose this video that you are watching, click the add to playlist button under the video, and this video will appear on your channel. Video link: #NatureSketchesYouTube #NatureSketches #naturesketching #birdvoices #beautifulnature #meditation #relaxation
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