Hajime Kazumi demonstrates the power of gedan mawashi geri

Hajime Kazumi shows the power and versatility of gedan mawashi geri In two beautifully edited kumites Hajime Kazumi shows the endless possibilities of kyokushin’s gedan mawashi geri (outer and inner thigh kick). First against a opponent with better mobility and great kicking technique (Gary O’Neill), as a way to put pressure and corner the opponent in combinations with tsukis and counters. Later, against a bigger opponent who overpowers him and have a great reach advantage (a young Glaube Feitosa) as a way to keep distance and take advantage of his superior speed and stamina. Maybe not as flashy as a jodan mawashi KO but equally technical and effective. Hajime Kazumi demuestra la potencia y versatilidad de gedan mawashi geri En dos kumites de elegante edición Hajime Kazumi demuestra las vastas posibilidades estratégicas que ofrece gedan mawashi geri (patada a la parte externa e interna del muslo). Primero contra un contrincante de mobilidad superior y excelente t&
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