GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit WHITE CITY: CHATAWAY’S REVENGE: Full Description: WHITE CITY: CHATAWAY’S REVENGE: BANNISTER. Roger. () Shot crowd watching the Athletic Contest v Russia in floodlight in London also later shot holding Chris Chataway after latter had won the 5000 metres. CHATAWAY Chris (G.B. runner) CHATAWAY At the Floodlit Athlet i Contest in London v the 5000 metres in 13 mins 51.6 secs a World record. His old rival V. Kutz gets aw ay in the lead & tries to throw C/C off but fails, V/K puts on extra speed C/C holds on & on untill finally C/C with mighty ef fort comes im the winner. Shots of him with R. Bannister DESFORGES. Jean. (British Long Jump) Wins long jump v Russia in London flood litatheletic contest 18ft. 11????ins. . (Pole Jumping) Shot the bar at 14ft. another shot of him hitting the “bar“ ... in the Athletic flood
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