Western European allies conduct joint sea exercises (1949)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit French, Dutch and British navies practice air operations near Cornwall Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Western Union Exercises at Sea ENGLAND: Cornwall: EXT/INT AEROPLANES - . and Naval Sea Hornets, Sea Furies, Firebrands and Fireflies seen taking off from carriers during Western Union defence fleet exercise. Later, “Batsman“ waving them into land on the carriers flight-decks. Shots of deck crews making the planes ready for flight AIRCRAFT-CARRIERS Victorious Implacable and Theseus seen taking part in Western Union fleet exercises. Admiral McGrigor seen taking off from Implacable and landing on theseus by helicopter. Very good shots of deck crews getting planes ready for attacks on the combined fleets. Batsmen seen waving the aircraft into land on deck. planes include Sea Hornets, Sea Furies, Fireflies and Firebran
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