Chinese Civil War causes unrest in Shanghai (1949)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Nationalist reinforcements are rushed to Shanghai as the Red Army closes in, unruly crowds pack the streets, and young and old Europeans are evacuated from the city Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Our Roving Camera Reports CHINA: Shanghai: EXT CHINA Evacuation of young and old from Shanghai continues as the Red Army grip round the city increases. Nationalist re-enforcements rushed in EVACUATION. Clearance officials work to clear young and old in evacuation from Shanghai before Red Army Advance SHANGHAI Nationalist reinforcements rushed to the city as Red Army grip tightens. Evacuation of young and old continues China; Chinese Civil War Yangtze River, Kuomintang (KMT or Chinese Nationalist Party), Chinese Communist Party (CPC), war, military, troops, evacuees Background: Nationalist reinforcements are rushed to Shanghai as th
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