TH11 - Extra Stage: Koishi Komeiji

Gasp, sixth Touhou video in a row. I’m going to upload something else next. ...probably. Subterranean Animism again, this time the extra stage. Probably the best extra I’ve played, and I’ve played seven of them including PCB Phantasm. Spell cards are interesting and beautiful, challenging and still learnable. Theme songs are both one of the best in the series. Recently I’ve been playing Touhou even more than before, probably because I’m getting better at it finally. Or at least it feels like I am. ^^’ Clearing every main game of Windows era without continues is something I couldn’t do back then though. Touhou is one of the most rewarding games I know, insane difficulty provides possibility to play a lot but you’ve got still lot to learn. Still it’s balanced and after being noob at the start you can clearly and continuously see the improvement of your skills. About the spell cards next. Sanae’s cards are quite simple and capturing them is relatively
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