Кострома в 1960-е годы / Коstroма in the 1960s

Кострома в 1960-е годы Коstroма in the 1960s Музыка “Музыкальный момент“, И. Тамарин - Квартет Сказ Music: “Musical moment“ - Quartet Katz Kostroma is a historic city on the confluence of the Volga and Kostroma Rivers and is one of my favourite Russian cities... The city is believed to date to around 1152 and founded by Yury Dolgoruky...... In 1773, Kostroma was devastated by a great fire. Afterwards the city was rebuilt with streets radiating from a single focal point near the river. Legend has it that Catherine the Great dropped her fan on the city map, and told the architects to follow her design. One of the best preserved examples of the 18th century town planning, Kostroma retains some elegant structures in a “provincial neoclassical“ style. These include a governor’s palace, a fire tower, a rotunda on the Volga embankment, and an arcaded central market with a merchant church in the centre. Also of note is the Ipatyevsky monastery, overlooking the River Volga. The monastery survives mostly intact
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