This Week in Volcanoes; A Volcano Reawakens in Turkey, Grimsvotn Might Erupt

Right now, there are 49 volcanoes actively erupting on the planet. This week, the Hasan Dagi volcano in Turkey began to show signs of unrest. It has not erupted in more than 8,000 years, and has a history of large caldera forming eruptions. In Iceland, the Grimsvotn volcano is about to produce a major flood (termed a jökulhlaup) which could then trigger a volcanic eruption. Also, the Taal volcano in the Philippines produced a new volcanic eruption. This video will discuss these volcano related news stories, as told and analyzed by a volcanologist. If you would like to support this channel, consider becoming a patron at Another way to support this channel is to make an order via our gemstone and geology related etsy store at .
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