Can a collapse of global civilization be avoided?

“For the first time an array of interconnected problems is moving a global civilization toward collapse. Driven by increasing overpopulation and over consumption by the rich, these dilemmas include climate disruption, loss of ecosystem services, global poisoning, depletion of resources (especially soils and groundwater), and the threat of vast famines, epidemics and resource wars. Only a concerted effort to reduce the scale of society and focus much more attention on agriculture and equity seems likely to much improve the human prospect. Growth is the disease; sustainability is attainable, but only with unprecedented rethinking, effort, and cooperation.“ This seminar consists of a short presentation given by Professor Paul Ehrlich based on his recent paper Can a collapse of global civilization be avoided? and will be followed by an extended interactive Q&A session with the audience. Dr. Paul R. Ehrlich is the Bing Professor of Population Studies, and President, Center for Conser
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