The Singing Forest _ 2003 _

The Singing Forest is a 2003 American romantic fantasy film written, produced, and directed by Jorge Ameer and starring Jon Sherrin, Erin Leigh Price, and Craig Pinkston. Christopher is a widower after his wife of 22 years, Savannah, dies. He begins drinking and becomes obsessed with the theory of past lives. Before long, he is convinced he is actually the reincarnation of a German resistance fighter (Jo) who was hanged by the Nazis for hiding Jews during The Holocaust. His situation becomes even more complex as his daughter Destiny’s wedding approaches, and Christopher’s sense of déjà vu around her fiancé, Ben, is enough to convince him that he and Ben were gay lovers during a past life. As Christopher becomes increasingly disturbed and goes about seducing his daughter’s future husband, he begins to reveal the strange, violent path his life had taken well before his wife died. Ben gives in to Christopher’s seduction and eventually visits Christopher’s psychic to confirm he really was Jo’s lover Alexander in a past life. Destiny discovers their affair and eventually gives them her blessing. In the end, she gives her father away at the church wedding that was originally supposed to be hers. The psychic reveals that Destiny had never really existed. Instead, she had been the spirit of a miscarriage Savannah had after she was raped. The spirit had always been destined to bring Christopher (Jo) and Ben (Alexander) back together in their present lives. The music partly consists of classical pieces performed by Jose Herring: Creation Adagio Piano Sonata No. 5 (Beethoven) Moonlight Sonata – Piano Sonata No. 14 (Beethoven) Cast John Sherrin as Christopher David Guzzone as young Christopher Erin Leigh Price as Destiny Craig Pinkston as Ben / Alexander Eric Morris as Jo Shelley Price as Savannah Jorge Ameer as Charlie Lance Black as Bill Sal Roman as Stephen Toni Zobel as psychic Marc Ambrose as Nazi guard Randal Craig as Nazi guard
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